Climate protection concept

Climate protection concept

The consumption of fossil fuels, which has been increasing for decades, has serious consequences for the global climate due to the release of greenhouse gases and must therefore be urgently reduced. The import of fossil fuels also makes us dependent on undemocratic states and structures that profit from our energy imports. It is therefore important to promote local and regional value creation through the use of domestic, renewable energies and to develop and implement suitable climate protection concepts.

From an energy perspective, more electricity is already generated from renewable energies in the Südeifel municipality than is consumed here. With the help of AöR Erneuerbare Energien Neuerburger Land, this lead is to be further extended. However, the extreme weather events of recent years clearly show that global climate change in its regional and local effects does not stop at the Südeifel. The issues of climate protection and energy supply are therefore not abstract problems in the distant future, but are already affecting us all directly in the Eifel region!

Fortunately, the preparation of this climate protection concept could therefore be carried out in cooperation with the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm, the municipalities belonging to the district and the town of Bitburg. The aim of the municipality of Südeifel is to consolidate and comprehensively shape its own climate protection activities. The main aim of the integrated climate protection concepts was to first create an analysis of potential based on a comprehensive energy and greenhouse gas balance in order to sound out further options for action. Building on this, concrete climate protection measures that could be implemented were defined in 13 predefined fields of action. The climate protection concept for the municipality of Südeifel thus serves as a basic building block for ongoing, intensified, comprehensive climate protection measures based on the local balance sheet data, potentials and targets.

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