Space management

Space management

The expansion of renewable energies is particularly important as a local and regional source of added value and for reasons of climate protection. Due to its high proportion of open agricultural land combined with exposed locations on plateaus in the south and the Islek in the north, the municipality of Südeifel is in principle well suited for the use of renewable energies.

When designating sites for wind turbines or ground-mounted photovoltaics, planning law requirements must be met in addition to basic energy suitability. Negative effects on nature, the environment and people should be avoided or reduced as far as possible. Located in the Southern Eifel Nature Park, the preservation of an attractive natural and cultural landscape is given high priority, also against the backdrop of tourist use and recreational function.

Land management in the area of "renewables" is ensured in the Südeifel association municipality via the "wind power" and "renewable energies" (wind energy and photovoltaics) sectoral land use plans for the area of the former Irrel and Neuerburg local authority districts and via guidelines for the planning of ground-based ground-mounted photovoltaic systems (PV-FFA):

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