Information in plain language

You are on the website of the South Eifel municipal administration.

Here you will find information about the structure of the website in plain language.

Start page

Logo of the municipality of Südeifel

At the top left is the sign of the Verbandsgemeinde Südeifel.

Click on the symbol - you will return to the start page.

Menu of the website

At the top center are four main topics

The main topics are:

  • Citizen service
  • Municipalities
  • Life & Living
  • Economy & Future

Click on a main topic.

Under each main topic you will find sub-topics.

You will find a lot of information here.

Search field

At the top right is the search field.

You can recognize the search field by the magnifying glass.

Click on the magnifying glass.

Enter a word in the search field.

You will find results for your search word.

Current field

To the right of the Set page field is News.

Click on News.

You will find a lot of current information under News.

Page setting field

To the left of the Current field is the Page settings field.

This symbol explains various settings for the page view.

Do you have questions or can't read something?

Get in touch with us:

No employees found.

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