State Eifelgymnasium Neuerburg

State Eifelgymnasium Neuerburg

Interior view of the Eifel-Gymnasium Neuerburg

Welcome to the Eifelgymnasium state grammar school in Neuerburg

The Staatliches Eifel-Gymnasium und Eifel-Kolleg Neuerburg is a state grammar school with an affiliated boarding school and offers a wide range of educational paths up to the Abitur. Situated in the middle of the Eifel Nature Park, the approximately 450 pupils and students benefit from modern facilities and a wide range of leisure activities. The family atmosphere encourages respectful interaction and individual support. In addition to the grammar school course from year 7 onwards, the Eifel-Kolleg also offers adults the opportunity to acquire a higher education entrance qualification via the second-chance route.

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