Digital caretaker

People for people.

The use of digital technology is indispensable in many areas of life today.

A large number of older people are not connected to the digital world for a variety of reasons, but they will still be part of our society for many years to come and have a right to participate in society.

Who are the digital caretakers?

The "digital caretakers" of the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm are volunteers, guides, contacts and supporters on the way into the digital world.

What do we want?

Our aim is to allay the fears of people who have little or no contact with new media and introduce them to smartphones, tablets and the Internet.

  • More contact with family and friends
  • More independence
  • More opportunities to acquire knowledge
  • More information

Self-confidence comes with practice.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Talk to us.

Help with accessibility

  • General

    We endeavor to make our websites accessible. You can find details on this in our accessibility statement. You can send us suggestions for improvement via our feedback form Report accessibility.

  • Font size

    To adjust the font size, please use the following key combinations:




  • Keyboard navigation

    Use TAB and SHIFT + TAB to navigate through next/previous links, form elements and buttons.

    Use ENTER to open links and interact with elements.