Textbook lending - collection of textbooks

Applies to the elementary school: Bollendorf, Karlshausen, Körperich and Mettendorf

The ordered school books, if applicable workbooks, which were requested as part of the school book loan - can be picked up from 15.08.2024 to 23.08.2024 at the bookstore Neugebauer-Mittler, Oberstraße 9, 54673 Neuerburg, phone: 06564 -21 12, during their opening hours.

We recommend that you have the borrowed books covered with protective film. "Uhren, Schmuck und Buchhandel Neugebauer-Mittler", offers you the opportunity to have the books individually wrapped with a protective film for the price of 1.90 Euro / atlases for 2.90 Euro. If you are interested, please contact them in advance by telephone on 06564 -21 12.

If you have not collected the books from the bookshop during this period, you can collect them from the respective elementary school during the first week of school during the opening hours of the school office.

You must then personally acknowledge receipt of the books.

If necessary, another person can also receive the books on presentation of a power of attorney.

School administration of the
Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Südeifel
Neuerburg, 14.08.2024

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