Climate Protection Initiative (KSI): Development of an energy management system for the buildings of the municipality of Südeifel

Funding code
10.08.2023 until 31.12.202 67K2319

The most energy-intensive properties in the South Eifel municipality (administrative buildings, elementary school, swimming pools) are equipped with a digital consumption controlling system. This consists of hardware (sensors and transmission technology) and software that processes and displays the data in a user-friendly way. Permanent energy flow monitoring and software-based analysis options enable systemic errors to be identified and processes to be optimized.

At least 30% of the current heat consumption of all properties is covered by controlling.

With the National Climate Initiative, the German government has been initiating and funding numerous projects that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2008. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: From the development of long-term strategies to concrete assistance and investment-based funding measures. This diversity is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Initiative helps to anchor climate protection on the ground. It benefits consumers as well as companies, municipalities and educational institutions."

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection based on a resolution of the German Bundestag. National Climate Protection Initiative

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